Key Points

Key points of the concept

  • a structurally diverse small molecule natural product library encompassing pure compounds from plants of geographically distant and megadiverse regions, to serve as a quick entry to scaffolds of potential interest for the cosmetic and agricultural applications sought
  • a focused library of plant extracts assembled on the basis of chemodiversity and chemotaxonomy considerations, originating from plants from hotspots of biodiversity and endemism, to provide sub-libraries of compounds around the shortlisted scaffolds
  • efficiency and traceability due to a high degree of standardization, automation and miniaturization in the generation and management of libraries, screening, and in profiling thanks to the development of a common platform for management and use of sample related spectral data and metadata.
  • use of relevant in vitro assays for major areas of use in cosmetics and as agrochemicals
  • stringent prioritization mechanisms for progressing samples
  • accelerated purification of active compounds thanks to optimised isolation procedures
  • development with scale-up isolation and advanced testing
  • expert monitoring of issues related bioprospecting and sustainability
  • complementary expertise available at the different partners of the consortium


Key objectives

  • Discovery and characterization of novel plant derived small molecule-type natural products which qualify as development candidates for new cosmetic and agrochemical agents with innovative or improved properties
  • Establishment of screening libraries with an unprecedented level of library-related spectroscopic information and metadata
  • Development of new concepts for integrating information contents with screening libraries
  • Enhancing the competitiveness of European cosmetic and agrochemical industry through discovery of novel compounds for development
  • Opening new potentialities for the development of natural products derived from economically less favored but megadiverse regions, for sustainable production of products with high consumer acceptance